Why Conducting Background Checks only on new Employees is Insufficient

Why Conducting Background Checks only on new Employees is Insufficient

Why is it Essential to Reconsider Your Decision of Conducting Police Checks only on New Employees?

The Australian government has strongly recommended pre-employment background checks, especially Criminal History checks before hiring employees as it reduces the risks of wrong hires and safeguards the organisation from potential threats.

Over time, many industries incorporate a standard procedure for background checks at the time of hiring to be aware of their criminal history, work history and other things that can affect the job role.

However, once a person is hired, how many employers monitor if any changes have occurred to their criminal background? Rescreening the employees from time to time is very crucial to avoid potential threats like theft, fraud and cyber-crime within the company.

The Number of Rescreening is Low

While most  employers are keen to hire new employees only after a thorough background check, the number of background checks on existing employees are comparatively low.

This problem leaves a substantial gap in managing the risk of human resources. This also implies that the employers do not get to know if any current employee is charged with any criminal offence.

What’s the Harm if Employers don’t Conduct Checks Regularly?

You may wonder how neglecting checking employees regularly can have a negative effect on your company. The day after it is done, a criminal record check is obsolete as the national database will be updated regularly with any new criminal offences.

In some cases, you will find different results on 2 police check certificates from the same individual that were carried out in a short time apart. Also, regulatory changes can affect the history released.

Many employers may think that once they hire someone, they should not do something outrageous which directly jeopardises their trust with the employee. However, this may not be the case all the time.

For example, what if an employee’s driver’s license has been suspended due to alcohol-influenced driving? If driving is part of their job, they’d need to let their employer know. However, if driving is not part of their job, the employer may ignore any traffic-related offences that have taken place in the past.

Bridging Gaps in Managing Human Capital Risks

It is important for a company to first identify the gaps in its risk management of human resources that they may have. If your company has not already carried out background checks for new employees, this should be the first step.

Even if you do initial background checks, your policies may have changed over the years. Today maybe new employees are checked in a far more stringent manner than those you employed a few years ago.

A new screening process may be required if it’s been a long time since the last one, or during the promotion of an employee.

Solution: Incorporate Police Checks on a Regular Basis in The HR Policy

It helps protect your business by starting background checks for current employees. Beginning this procedure, however, will pose some difficulties for any employer.

While many employees will perform or agree to conduct a background check as they go through the recruiting process, it would seem odd to think about getting tested again after they’ve been working for the company for some time. It is important to update them about the new changes in the HR policy, and this check will be conducted repeatedly on a regular time frame.

Another recommendation is to help employees if they are scared any offence may come up during a background check. Understand their situation and let them know in what cases they will have to reconsider the employment contract. You should, of course, provide them with the chance to tell you before screening takes place.

Also at the time of promoting employees, you should inform them a rescreening will be required when an employee is given new duties to perform.

KONCHECK Can be Your Screening Partner!

Once you have decided to add regular screening in your company policy, it is recommended to partner with a Police checking site to avoid the tedious job of maintaining hundreds of checks.

KONCHECK is an accredited body of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to conduct Criminal History Checks.

It provides customised solutions according to the business and you can process bulk police checks at a time. It will also be a lot easier to track the application and verify the Police check certificate through this. Furthermore, the police check results arrive within 1-2 business days through a secure and affordable way.

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