Complete Guide – Applying for University in Australia

For prospective international students and parents, you absolutely want to get it clearly on how to apply for desired universities, however, different countries may have different requirements and procedures for university application and admission. What about Australia? On this page, I listed the six steps of applying for university in Australia, hoping my following outline will bring you some guidance.

Steps for Applying for university in Australia

Two main things of Australia university application are course application and student visa application. Two time spans of Australia university entrance are Feb. – March and July – Aug. Taking the Application for Feb. – March Entrance as the example:

Step 1: Deciding your preferred course and university.

Time: April – May.

For choosing course and university, you are suggested to take comprehensive considerations on university overall ranking, subject strength of the university, the employment prospect, immigration possibility, your career plan, and personal interest, etc. Always remember not to blindly pursue famous universities. You need to get a good understanding of all respects, make a rational evaluation on personal competence before making the final choice.

Step 2: Submitting Australia university application.

Proper time: June – July.

You are recommended to complete the needed formalities in your present school before summer vacation, making preparation for application materials.

Before the application, you should make sure yourself satisfying the course admission requirements, usually which are clearly listed on the school website of the university. There is a range of entry requirements displayed, often including:

1. Academic requirements.

2. English language requirements.

3. Evidence of funds to support your study.

Seeing those requirements, you now should realize how important it is to know ahead of time about the procedure of Australian university application. Before application, you should make a good time arrangement in advance to improve English proficiency, sit the IELTS test, and get desirable credits. Besides, you should study hard at school, trying best to improve academic competence and gain higher GPA. Of course, taking valuable school and social activities is also helpful to distinguish yourself for the application.

For application. You can make Australia university application by yourself if you are confident enough for your English proficiency (because applying for university in Australia needs filling in pages of English forms and sometimes you may not understand the meaning of the subject words). If you want more scoured application, you can find an agent from CatEight. CatEight is a platform that provides online application service for study abroad students.

Step 3: Receiving and accepting Offer.

Time: July – Sep.

Usually, you will receive the admission results 1 to 2 weeks after submitting Australia university application. For the institutions with slower review, you can get the results within one month. Wait patiently during this period of time, and you will receive a Letter of Offer if admitted.

Step 4: Receiving electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE)

If you accept the full offer, the university will ask for a deposit as a part of your tuition fee and then issue the eCoE, which is a must-have for student visa application.

Step 5: Applying for student visa

Time: Sep.-Dec.

After finishing applying for university in Australia, you should start to prepare materials for visa application. Materials include passports, photos, household register, ID cards, birth certificates, graduate diplomas, insurance certificates, deposit certificates, medical certificates, etc. Then, Submit your Visa Application. You can find agent to help you with it. The processing time for Australian student visa is 1-2 months. Wait it patiently.

Step 6: Preparing for your new journey

Time: Jan. – Feb. of the next year.

With offer and student visa in your hand, you can prepare to go to Australia now. Things you should prepare for your journey: arranging accommodation, booking air tickets, picking up luggage, understanding the matters related to country border entry, etc.

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